When you order a rideshare, you never expect to suffer serious consequences because of your driver’s reckless or negligent behavior. Unfortunately, a dangerous Uber driver could put you in the position of recovering from devastating or even permanent injuries.
Contacting a car accident lawyer in Plantation, FL, may help you recover compensation after such an accident. The Scarfone Auto Accident and Personal Injury Attorneys will discuss the specifics of your Uber claim with you so you know what to expect next.
What Is Reckless Driving in Florida?
Reckless driving is defined under Florida law as driving a vehicle with wanton or willful disregard for the safety of property or other persons (Fla. Stat. § 316.192).
Reckless driving is behavior that puts everyone at risk. In Florida, it is a serious offense. It is a crime — not just a traffic violation. Some of the most common examples of reckless driving in Plantation, Florida, include:
- Running through stop signs or red lights at excessive speeds
- Drag racing
- Weaving through traffic at high speeds
- Causing a high-speed chase
Other behaviors may also be classified as reckless driving for an Uber driver, especially when there’s a passenger in the vehicle. Drivers are required to comply with Uber’s safe driving rules.
The Uber driver may be a reckless driver. Someone else on the road may be a reckless driver. Regardless of how the accident happens, reckless drivers can be held liable for the injuries they cause.
What to Do if Your Uber Driver Is Driving Dangerously
Uber has an established dangerous driving policy that can assist riders in determining when to say something about their driver’s behavior. They define dangerous driving as distracted driving, aggressive driving, failure to follow traffic laws, and driving under the influence. You can tell your driver that you feel unsafe or that you think they are violating Uber’s rules. Beyond bringing up your concerns to the driver in the moment, you may also want to inform Uber about the behavior after the fact.
Riders can contact customer support and report unsafe driving. Any complaints of high risk, dangerous or unsafe driving can be reported to Uber. Uber drivers who receive repeated claims of dangerous driving may face account deactivation.
Who Is Liable When an Uber Driver Gets Into an Accident?
If the driver has a passenger, is on the way to collect a passenger, or is logged into the Uber app, Uber may pay damages caused by the driver in a crash. Uber carries $1 million in insurance coverage on their drivers for this reason. Liability applies in the following ways in Plantation, Florida accidents:
- If the driver is not logged into the Uber app at the time of the crash, their own car insurance coverage should pay for your damages.
- If the driver is logged into the Uber app but does not have any passengers at the time of the crash, Uber provides insurance, but the driver’s personal insurance is primary. Uber provides up to $100,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident.
- While en route to pick up passengers or during an active trip, Uber provides $1 million in third-party liability coverage.
Whether you were driving another car and were hit by a reckless Uber driver in Plantation, or you were a passenger on an active ride with an Uber driver at the time of an accident, you have rights. Personal injury victims are eligible to recover compensation when they can prove the negligence of another party.
A full investigation is often necessary to determine who may be held responsible for your injuries and other damages. You may need to file a legal claim in order to receive compensation for the full scope of your medical conditions and other expenses.
Work with a Reckless Uber Driver Accident Lawyer in Plantation, FL
The involvement of a qualified lawyer is extremely important for the outcome of your case. An experienced attorney can help you navigate every aspect of your personal injury claim against an Uber driver. Do not hesitate to contact a qualified Uber reckless driving lawyer in Plantation, Florida, now to learn about your rights.
Scarfone Auto Accident and Personal Injury Attorneys are dedicated to giving victims the representation they need during one of the most difficult times of life. Recovering from an Uber reckless driving accident is challenging, but our lawyers can help. Set up a meeting with our team today to discuss your case.
Reckless Uber Driver Accident FAQs
Can Uber alert drivers who speed?
Yes. Uber’s app can notify a driver who is going above a road’s posted speed limit based on their live location.
Does Uber employ drivers with speeding violations?
In order to become an Uber driver, an individual must have less than three moving violations in three years — that includes speeding tickets.
How long do I have to bring a claim for reckless Uber driver accidents in Plantation, FL?
You usually have two years from the date of the accident to bring a claim. However, it’s always best to contact a reckless Uber driver accident lawyer immediately if you are in an accident.